Homemade Foaming Facial Cleanser taking into consideration Liquid, Water, Almond Oil, Aloe Vera Gel, Glycerin, Essential Oils
The ingredient of Homemade Foaming Facial Cleanser
- 1/4 cup liquid Dr. Bronners, castile soap, mine was tea tree, but any is fine
- 1/4 cup water
- 2 teaspoons almond oil jojoba oil would as well as perform competently
- 2 teaspoons aloe vera gel
- 2 teaspoons glycerin
- 12 drops essential oils
The instruction how to make Homemade Foaming Facial Cleanser
Nutritions of Homemade Foaming Facial Cleanser
@type: NutritionInformation@type: 45 calories
@type: 4.5 grams
@type: 1 grams
@type: 5 milligrams