Roasted Asparagus Soup

Roasted Asparagus Soup


Roasted Asparagus Soup in the same way as Asparagus, Garlic, Onion, Olive Oil, Chicken Stock, Heavy Cream, Pepper, Salt

The ingredient of Roasted Asparagus Soup

  1. 4 cups asparagus harshly roughly chopped
  2. 3 cloves garlic smashed
  3. 1 onion scratchily chopped
  4. 1 tablespoon olive oil
  5. 1 1/2 cups chicken addition
  6. 1/2 cup oppressive stifling cream or milk
  7. pepper
  8. salt

The instruction how to make Roasted Asparagus Soup

Nutritions of Roasted Asparagus Soup

@type: NutritionInformation
@type: 470 calories
@type: 30 grams
@type: 105 milligrams
@type: 35 grams
@type: 8 grams
@type: 14 grams
@type: 18 grams
@type: 680 milligrams
@type: 11 grams

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