Creamy Potato Soup

Creamy Potato Soup


Creamy Potato Soup With Bacon, Small Yellow Onion, Garlic, All aspiration Flour, Chicken Broth, Milk, Cream, Potatoes, Salt, dome Black Pepper, biting Cream, Shredded rough Cheddar Cheese, Green Onion, Diced Bacon, Shredded Cheese, caustic Cream

The ingredient of Creamy Potato Soup

  1. 6 slices bacon chopped
  2. 1 small yellow onion diced
  3. 3 cloves garlic minced
  4. 3 tablespoons all direct flour
  5. 4 cups chicken broth unsalted
  6. 1 cup milk choice
  7. 1 cup cream or half and half
  8. 3 pounds potatoes peeled and diced to 1 inch size cubes, use waxy potato like Gold Potatoes
  9. 1/2 teaspoon salt
  10. 1/4 teaspoon dome black pepper
  11. 1/3 cup biting cream
  12. 1 cup shredded harsh cheddar cheese
  13. green onion diced
  14. diced bacon
  15. shredded cheese
  16. biting cream

The instruction how to make Creamy Potato Soup

Nutritions of Creamy Potato Soup

@type: NutritionInformation
@type: 600 calories
@type: 48 grams
@type: 90 milligrams
@type: 37 grams
@type: 5 grams
@type: 22 grams
@type: 18 grams
@type: 720 milligrams
@type: 6 grams

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