Vanilla Iced Coffee With Coffee, Sugar, Syrup, Vanilla Yogurt, Milk, Ice Cubes
The ingredient of Vanilla Iced Coffee
- 8 ounces coffee cooled
- 3 tablespoons sugar
- calorie syrup
- 1 cup vanilla yogurt rozen
- 1 1/2 cups milk frozen, cubes, make ahead
- 1 cup ice cubes optional
The instruction how to make Vanilla Iced Coffee
Nutritions of Vanilla Iced Coffee
@type: NutritionInformation@type: 550 calories
@type: 72 grams
@type: 65 milligrams
@type: 16 grams
@type: 25 grams
@type: 9 grams
@type: 390 milligrams
@type: 72 grams