Easy Vanilla Oatmeal Goats Milk Soap melt and pour soap recipe #diy #soap #homemade

Easy Vanilla Oatmeal Goats Milk Soap melt and pour soap recipe #diy #soap #homemade


Easy Vanilla Oatmeal Goats Milk Soap Melt And Pour Soap Recipe #diy #soap #homemade With Oatmeal, Glycerin, Essential Oils

The ingredient of Easy Vanilla Oatmeal Goats Milk Soap melt and pour soap recipe #diy #soap #homemade

  1. 1/2 cup oatmeal
  2. 2 pounds glycerin PREMIUM GOATS MILK, MELT & POUR SOAP BASE NATURAL PURE ORGANIC. You can get it at your local Hobby Lobby or Michaelu2026
  3. essential oils I used vanilla bean 20 drops

The instruction how to make Easy Vanilla Oatmeal Goats Milk Soap melt and pour soap recipe #diy #soap #homemade

Nutritions of Easy Vanilla Oatmeal Goats Milk Soap melt and pour soap recipe #diy #soap #homemade

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