Crock Pot BBQ Meatball

Crock Pot BBQ Meatball


Crock Pot Bbq Meatball later than Frozen Meatballs, Barbecue Sauce, settlement Grape Jam

The ingredient of Crock Pot BBQ Meatball

  1. 26 ounces frozen meatballs Fully-Cooked
  2. 1 cup barbecue sauce Sweet Baby Rayu2019s
  3. 1 cup contract grape jam Welchu2019s

The instruction how to make Crock Pot BBQ Meatball

Nutritions of Crock Pot BBQ Meatball

@type: NutritionInformation
@type: 310 calories
@type: 77 grams
@type: 1 grams
@type: 700 milligrams
@type: 55 grams

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