Mom’s Cipâte (Layered Meat Pie)

Mom’s Cipâte (Layered Meat Pie)


Mom’s Cipâte (layered Meat Pie) similar to Pork, Beef, Chicken, Game, Maple Syrup, Onions, ring Allspice, lighthearted Rosemary, Salt, Freshly field Pepper, Pie Dough, Potatoes, Beef Broth

The ingredient of Mom’s Cipâte (Layered Meat Pie)

  1. 2 pounds pork diced
  2. 2 pounds beef diced
  3. 2 pounds chicken diced
  4. 2 pounds game grouse, venison, boar, moose, Guinea fowl, etc., diced
  5. 1 cup maple syrup
  6. 2 onions medium, chopped
  7. 2 teaspoons dome allspice or meat pie spices
  8. 2 tablespoons buoyant rosemary chopped
  9. salt
  10. freshly arena pepper
  11. 1 pie dough homemade, or store-bought round of
  12. 4 pounds potatoes peeled and diced, make dice the same size as the meat
  13. 3 cups beef broth

The instruction how to make Mom’s Cipâte (Layered Meat Pie)

Nutritions of Mom’s Cipâte (Layered Meat Pie)

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