Homemade Strawberry Lemonade

Homemade Strawberry Lemonade


Homemade Strawberry Lemonade subsequently Lemon Juice, Granulated Sugar, Cool Water, Strawberries, Ice Cubes, Strawberry, Lemon Slices, open Mint

The ingredient of Homemade Strawberry Lemonade

  1. 2 cups lemon juice
  2. 2 cups granulated sugar
  3. 4 1/2 cups cold water estranged
  4. 2 cups strawberries
  5. ice cubes great quantity of
  6. strawberry slices for garnish, optional
  7. lemon slices for garnish, optional
  8. well-ventilated light mint for garnish, optional

The instruction how to make Homemade Strawberry Lemonade

Nutritions of Homemade Strawberry Lemonade

@type: NutritionInformation
@type: 470 calories
@type: 125 grams
@type: 4 grams
@type: 2 grams
@type: 20 milligrams
@type: 110 grams

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