Alcoholic Drinks Recipes

Alcoholic Drinks Recipes


Alcoholic Drinks Recipes as soon as Strawberry Puree, Tequila, Cointreau, straightforward approachable Syrup, Vanilla, Lime Juice, Ice, Lime Wedges, Table Sugar, Strawberries

The ingredient of Alcoholic Drinks Recipes

  1. 1 cup strawberry puree open Strawberries and honey or sugar, pureed
  2. 3 ounces tequila
  3. 1/2 ounce cointreau
  4. 1 ounce within reach syrup
  5. 2 teaspoons vanilla
  6. 3 ounces lime juice
  7. ice
  8. lime wedges
  9. table sugar
  10. strawberries

The instruction how to make Alcoholic Drinks Recipes

Nutritions of Alcoholic Drinks Recipes

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