STAR WARS Bantha cocoa

STAR WARS Bantha cocoa


Star Wars Bantha Cocoa as soon as Milk, Vanilla Extract, White Chocolate Chips, Food Coloring, Whipped Cream

The ingredient of STAR WARS Bantha cocoa

  1. 4 cups milk your marginal
  2. 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  3. 8 ounces white chocolate chips
  4. 2 drops food coloring Blue
  5. whipped cream

The instruction how to make STAR WARS Bantha cocoa

Nutritions of STAR WARS Bantha cocoa

@type: NutritionInformation
@type: 470 calories
@type: 48 grams
@type: 35 milligrams
@type: 24 grams
@type: 15 grams
@type: 14 grams
@type: 230 milligrams
@type: 48 grams

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